Sacred World Wide Art site icon

Homepage Statue of Mary – Photo by Josh Applegate on Unsplash

Website Background Image – Photo by John Towner on Unsplash

Galleries Joseph the Carpenter – Photo by Matt Marzorati on Unsplash

Resources Media Image – Photo By Lrdinamarco – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

Resources Scholarship Image – Photo by Chad Greiter on Unsplash

Resources Faith Primer Image – Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Artists Image of Adolfo Perez Esquivel by Tanatos02, CC BY-SA 3.0 (license), via Wikimedia Commons

Music playing in the background of the Galleries is HEBREW WORSHIP INSTRUMENTAL FROM ISRAEL – PRAYER TIME  by Emanuel Roro.  

Click here for more information regarding the music.

Worshiping the Messiah through music has been a crucial part of life for followers of Jesus (Yeshua) since the first century. Paul exhorts believers in Messiah to be filled with the Spirit and speak to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual music (Ephesians 5:18–19). 

Music in Israel thus draws on influences from various places, including the Middle East, Central and eastern Europe, North and South America, and North Africa. 

The number of believers has soared to greater than 25,000, with more than 200 congregations spread throughout the Holy Land. The Messianic Jewish Alliance of Israel sponsors regular concerts every two years featuring new musical artists and their songs.

Some Israeli Messianic groups and artists like MIQEDEM, SOLU, Joshua Aaron, Sarah Liberman, and Emanuel Roro are known internationally for producing and performing innovative and inspirational worship songs. Those who have led the way mentor and assist these emerging musicians.

In the 2024 Catholic Media Association Book Awards,  the Rosary Book placed in the following categories:
Third Place, Inclusion in the Church, B501
Honorable Mention, Prayer Books, B105
Honorable Mention, Design and Production, B1201 
For more information on the Catholic Media Association Book Awards, please visit: