Sacred World Wide Art site icon

Criteria for Submission

  • Images representing Mary or the Life of Christ as represented by the twenty Rosary Mysteries (such images should be faithful to the biblical narrative and be clear; the artistic merit is important but secondary)
  • Images of saints, saints in the making and martyrs
  • Altars and churches from around the world
  • Older images as well as newer image of the above are welcome
  • Generally our preference is for artwork created by a member of the represented group because that lifts up artists from that group . This is not a hard and fast rule but a preference . For example it is preferred that images showing Native Americans be painted by a Native American artist. However, if a person is routinely commissioned by a community to represent a specific group and that person wishes to submit images of people in that group , those would be considered.
In the 2024 Catholic Media Association Book Awards,  the Rosary Book placed in the following categories:
Third Place, Inclusion in the Church, B501
Honorable Mention, Prayer Books, B105
Honorable Mention, Design and Production, B1201 
For more information on the Catholic Media Association Book Awards, please visit: