Criteria for Submission
- Images representing Mary or the Life of Christ as represented by the twenty Rosary Mysteries (such images should be faithful to the biblical narrative and be clear; the artistic merit is important but secondary)
- Images of saints, saints in the making and martyrs
- Altars and churches from around the world
- Older images as well as newer image of the above are welcome
- Generally our preference is for artwork created by a member of the represented group because that lifts up artists from that group . This is not a hard and fast rule but a preference . For example it is preferred that images showing Native Americans be painted by a Native American artist. However, if a person is routinely commissioned by a community to represent a specific group and that person wishes to submit images of people in that group , those would be considered.
God's Artwork
Jesus - Public Ministry
Jesus - Mysteries
Altars & Churches
Mary - Mysteries
Mary - Lady of all Continents
Holy Men and Women
Langford Lake, BC, Canada - Joe
Hawaii Na Pali Coast - E . Amparo
"Texas Bluebonnets " by Gary Lynn Roberts; submitted by M. Amparo (new submission)
Artwork by by Joan Galbi; Submitted by M. Amparo (New submission)
Seasons in Victoria, B.C., Canada (2023) - Painted from memory of landscapes. - Sydney Klein (University of Victoria)
From an Etsy artist; submitted by M. Amparo (New Submissions Gallery)
Jesus with Martha and Mary, St Augustine Catholic Church, Washington DC, circa 1890. Submitted by M Amparo
Adoration of the Magi by Tatiana Nikolova-Houston
Sunday, December 8th, 2024. St. Joseph Catholic Church, Alexandria, Virginia
Our Lady of the Sign-- Ark of Mercy, Carved from wood by Stefan Niedorezo
Sanctuary of Divine Mercy, St. Stanislaus Kostka, Chicago, Illinois
"One of the key themes in A Mother's Plea," said Fr. Anthony Bus, Pastor of St Stanislaus, "is that Our Lady will not permit the cacophony of the world to shout into silence the voice of the Living God. We're inundated with noise. We need sacred space, the nurturing and cultivation of sacred silence, so that God's voice can be heard. And we believe this is what Our Lady is asking of us here."
Fr. Saji Lukose, St. Louis Catholic Church, Austin, Texas, Divine Mercy Sunday 2024
Opening blessing by Bishop Kurt Burnette, Eparchy of Passaic, at a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at Epiphany of Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church in Annandale, VA. This mass was part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Byzantine Catholic Ruthenian Church and the 50th anniversary of the Byzantine Chapel at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. DC. Other Ruthenian bishops present were Archbishop William Skurla (right) and Bishop Robert Pipta (left) along with other clergy and faithful from across the US. Blue vestments were worn in honor of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.
St. Flora Chapel, Sabah, Malaysia, Images provided by Leila Thomas`
St. Flora Chapel, Sabah, Malaysia, Images provided by Leila Thomas
St. Flora Chapel, Sabah, Malaysia, Images provided by Leila Thomas
Based on the Altarpiece of the Annunciation by Fra Angelico,
From the Prado Musrum in Spain
Submitted by M. Amparo (new submissions)
Bought in the beach in Boracay, Philippines , 2010
Submitted by M. Amparo (new submissions)
From Vietnam with mother of pearl (new submissions)
Pakistan – Statue of Mary and Child: This statue is to the left of the altar in the Church at the National Marian Shrine in Mariamabad, Pakistan. It was sculpted by a Muslim craftsman from Sheikhupura in 1898. Photograph by Joseph Evans, 2022
India – Image of Our Lady of Health, Vailankanni: This image of Our Lady of Health (Vailankanni) is on the right side of Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Tiruchirappalli, India. Photograph by Joseph Evans, 2022
Nepal – Our Lady and Child: This image of Our Lady and Child was painted in 1995 by a Hindu artist from Kathmandu, Nepal. The painting appears to the left of the altar at Assumption Church in Lalitpur, Nepal. The inscription reads “Pabitra Mata Miriam, Hamilai Bato Dekanhos,” which translates to “Pure Mother Mary: Show Us the Way.” Photograph by Joseph Evans, 2022.
Our Lady of Panama - Photo supplied by Rosalie Mainey
Black Madonna on Montserrat, photo by P. Hirsh
A picture of Pope John Paul II after being shot on May 13th, 1981. Supplied by the Vatican and published by The Knights Of Columbus via their website.
A painting by Sr. Mary Beth Kemper, CPPS of Blessed Mother holding John Paul II right after he was shot. Submitted by J. M. Buttross.
St Monica and St. Augustine , St . Augustine Catholic Church, Washington DC. Submitted by M Amparo
Shown above is Guru Nanak, Founder of Sikhism - an Indian faith, believing in one God guiding and protecting us all. Painted by Jagjeet A.